


General contact information

The NALC Retirement Department can be reached by calling 800-424-5186 (toll free) Monday, Wednesday or Thursday, 10 a.m.-Noon or 2 p.m.-4 p.m. (Eastern time), or by calling the NALC Headquarters switchboard at 202- 393-4695 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Eastern time) and asking for the Retirement Department.

The USPS HR Shared Service Center (HRSSC) can be reached by current employees who are planning or applying for retirement by calling 877-477-3273, option 5.


The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) acts as the personnel office for retired letter carriers, and is the agency responsible for administering retirement, health and life insurance benefits. Before you call or write to OPM, be sure to have your Civil Service Annuity (CSA) number ready. OPM can be reached by retirees who have a CSA number by calling 888-767-6738 or 724-794-2005, 7:40 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday (Eastern time), or 202-606-0500 in the Washington, DC, area. Mail your written inquiries to Office of Personnel Management, Retirement Operations Center, Boyers, PA 16017 (unless OPM has specified a different address for a specific action such as health benefits open season).